Sam’s Marketing Meditations—A weekly reflection on marketing written to a young marketer (myself)
Each week, I dig into a marketing observation, idea, or lesson I encountered the previous week. I’ve found that writing these notes forces me to think + internalize them in a way that is better retained than any other method, so the purpose is two-fold:
For me to have a place to come back to to reflect on learnings for when I get stuck
For others to have a place to come to learn from my successes + failures
Very rarely are we the first person to encounter a brand new problem or challenge. My aim is to have this be a place that serves as a “jumping off” point rather than trying to solve for everything that comes across a marketer’s way from scratch.
Supporting that, I’ll also share one post someone else wrote that had me quickly hitting the bookmark button and one podcast episode I truly enjoyed or learned from.
This newsletter will forever be free to subscribers. I learn best by doing and hearing from others, so if you ever want to hear my take on something or have an experiment you want to try, this is the newsletter for you.
👋 About me
I’m Sam Kuehnle, VP of Marketing at Loxo, the Talent Intelligence Platform. To be honest, I’ve never loved “about me” sections because…do you really care about my hobbies and random things I like? Nah, you’re likely here because you’re interested in reading and learning about some of the things I see in the B2B, marketing, and growth space. From working in-house at a publicly-traded company, to advising seed stage companies trying to figure out how to crack their first $1M in ARR, to everything in-between, I’ve quickly learned how fickle these environments can be and how in order to be successful, you have to be willing to adapt as you go.
Anything else?
Add me on LinkedIn for a handful of thoughts each week or to DM me with anything you’d like to explore together.