Work With Me
Whether you’re looking to get some eyeballs on your brand, to bounce marketing ideas and questions around, or to really get in the weeds of your demand programs, there are 4 ways we can work together.
A few results seen from those I’ve worked with
Helped a privately-held medical software company identify $2,985,000/year in inefficient paid search ad spend
Helped a Series A nonprofit software company to efficiently scale their paid marketing program, driving an increase in downfunnel results in smarter ways than just adding “more” to the top of their funnel
Uncovered $80k of inefficient dollars spent per month on paid search for a privately-held company and redeployed those into other channels, which led to their highest quarters ever in pipeline and revenue sourced by Marketing
Tripled the impact of a Series B software company’s paid social efforts by reducing the audience size they were targeting with their efforts